Silent Hope
- Inclusive education in Bihar
Footprints of Silence
- (Study of Madarsas in UP)
The unfolded story
-Inclusive education
Visioning Community
engagement in school management
CARE India
partnership protocol development-NGO scan
Long Range State
Program Strategy - CARE India, UP
Banking on Poor -
(Nabard-Impact assessment of SHG bank linkage) - PART-1
Banking on Poor
- (Nabard-Impact assessment of SHG bank linkage) - PART-2
Learning essentials
(A study on SHG-Bank linkage study)
Be the change
SGSY case study
Sector documentation,
UP - ARWSP & Swajaldhara
Aspiring better living
UP State Budget Analysis (PACS Advocacy with GoUP)
Reproductive health
Repositioning governance
Repositioning governance
Landesa - Course
to bargain-landlessness- VOL-1
Landesa - Course
to bargain-landlessness - VOL-2