PROACT consists of a sleek core multi-disciplinary professional base - the expertise at the apex level includes competence in key social sectors such as education, health, livelihoods and range of poverty issues. Sound on the perspectives, policies and plans of government initiatives : from national flagship programs to specific sector initiatives by few State Governments, PROACT is known for bringing cutting edge strategic and ICT-based solutions in program implementation and workflow management. A small team of ICT professionals clubbed with sector experts render creative inputs to shape its professional assignments and determine results as perceived by its clients. Few of our key assignments (separate domain) provide brief account of professional teams engaged with PROACT.
Based in Lucknow, State capital of Uttar Pradesh, India, PROACT has strong organizational presence in neighbouring states of Jharkhand and Bihar along with a robust network of development professionals and organizations.

Since its inception, PROACT pursued a pro-poor agenda in social development consultancy as its core professional value. PROACT’s assignments so far, irrespective of sectoral and thematic affiliations, considered poverty parameters as central to its methodology and approach. Reaching the remotest pockets, seeking to learn the views of the extreme poor, appreciating the constraints faced by the poorest of communities have always been non-negotiable as approach to its functions.

Consistent proximity to the poorest communities of North India enabled PROACT witness and learn intricate dynamics in the poor’s lives. Where and how they live, how they manage their day to day living, what and how much do they eat – have always been pertinent to PROACT’s professional discourse.
While performing its professional mandates, PROACT never missed on such key poverty parameters – pursued and persisted with its clients for considered cognizance.
Emotionally too, PROACT registered its professional journey through impulses and frustrations – thereby striving even harder in attaining results that impact the lives of the extreme poor.
Through its varied assignments _ from research, study to piloting implementation of poverty alleviating projects _ PROACT eventually benefitted hugely from understandings of nuances of poverty such gains from real-life professional assignments.

While engaging with its partners, the reference communities and clients, PROACT learnt rather spontaneously the deep meaning of various of nomenclatures defining extreme poverty. Landlessness, distressed migration, acute obscurity in living conditions and the nature treating the poor harsher than the ordinary community – defined the volumes of poverty that exist in North India states, especially in states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand - - PROACT undergoing an active and dynamic experience through its very rich professional discourse.
As an organization dealing the issue of poverty cutting through sectors such as education, livelihoods, natural resource management, health and disaster management, PROACT know can impeccably place its professional experiences to correct theories and relevant empirical evidences.

Ability to interface with the poor demands sharp learning competence. Set of cognitive, oratory and analytical skills just don’t suffice. Attitude, appreciation for the spirit that poor carry in battling extreme poverty, unnatural circumstances on a daily basis, brings in profession the completeness to deal with the poverty issues. PROACT institutionally does not just promote them in its team; rather, it facilitates its members to imbibe such professional qualities for their functional lives forever; within or beyond the scope of working with PROACT.

Engaging community in appraising about interventions made by the governments is critical. Tools, applications and distinct approaches are critical that enable communities to reflect and respond to the needs of their own solutions. PROACT leads such innovative ideas, contemplates methodological steps, designs workflows and applies them to bring right responses.

Sandeep Majhi
Chief & Executive
More than 23 years of professional experience, having proven credentials in research and technical documentation for past over 15 years with bilateral, multilateral and with government assignments, he adds critical value to assignments on issues of Education, Drinking water & sanitation, Entitlement & livelihood and Local Self Governance. His best utilization is perceived around strategy formulation based on evidential research and technical & thematic analysis. He has lead assignment with International, bilateral and government programs, he brings his unique skills in generating analytical learnings through sharp understanding of demography and social & power structures and caste systems in specific context of North and East Indian States. One of his key roles is to technically strengthen the research content and develop higher proximity with client expectations. Highlight of his engagement with PROACT assignments is imaginative thinking, analysis and sound strategic inputs in taking future discourses at specific and large scales of program implementation.

Shinjini Singh
Social, formative research & documentation specialist
With 5 years of experience as program anchor and an associate at PROACT, Shinjini has led several qualitative studies, assessments and assignments in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. Her mandates have largely been in multiple districts on the NABARD’s micro-credit innovations program through SHG bank linkage projects, Sector assessment of rural drinking water supply programs under the Swajaldhara and Accelerated rural water supply program (ARWSP) in Bundelkhand region, contributed to CARE India’s State Program Strategy for Uttar Pradesh. She aided processes for building 3 major CSO networks exclusively aligned for minorities, Dalits and for women CSO leaders by providing technical assistance and training to various CSO partners in the referred states and reaching out to remote districts. As a representative-member of the Project Advisory Group (PAG) for the BBC World Service Trust’s Reach and Response program for Bonded Labour project she has provided strategic inputs to BBC WST’s efforts in the state. She has also acted as a resource person for the DFID sponsored PACS program in Uttar Pradesh and published various reports on inclusive education, exclusion of dalits, tribals and minorities as well as on livelihoods and entitlements for the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, UNICEF and USAID sponsored projects. Shinjini is currently pursuing her PhD in Development Studies at the University of Cambridge; she has also completed her MPhil from the University where she was a Commonwealth Scholar. At Cambridge, she is on the Research Panel for Human Trafficking, which directly supports the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons and at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Shivangi Singh
Documentation specialist
Topper of Social Engineering course from Lucknow University she has 4 years of professional experience. She is a meticulous compiler of primary and secondary knowledge; ensures the requisite professional quality in tasks assigned to project teams. A team player; she is bright, analytical and thorough in developing and setting up methodological steps for field and desk-based research. With sharp facilitation techniques, observation skills and clear understanding about processes, she would contemplate proper protocol for the team to determine success.

Dr. Mukul Bala
Specilist Social mobilization, IEC & Gender issues
A PHD in humanities he has 8 years’ experience in performing assignment of social research and management of implementation of social sector projects with renowned organizations. Widely exposed to social and participatory research techniques and tools, both quantitative and qualitative, on contemporary topics like health, nutrition & demography, education, local self-governance, drinking water and largely poverty & entitlement. Research and data analysis specific to social sector programmes; database management; project level application of monitoring and project management tasks, excellent computer skills. Major experience gained in various assignments (a) As an associate to provide technical assistance and support to various CSOs implementing DFID funded PACS projects in the states of UP & Bihar since 1994, (b) as a researcher in NOVIB funded study on SHG-Bank linkage, (c) responsible for preparing office level database on disaster response as an assignment from Oxfam, (d) as researcher in two projects funded by CARE India.

Jai Prakash Maurya
Specilist Social mobilization
For past 8-9 years he assisted development and consolidation of number of database. He is skilled in conducting study questionnaires including tools defined for qualitative research, in field testing and improving research tools.

Dr. Ramesh Sharan
(M & – 59)
Head of Economics Department in Ranchi University, Professor Sharan has sound teaching and academic track record. He has over 3 decades of professional engagement with core social sector issues in the regions : Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Odhisa. He has unmatched exposures around the issues pertaining to extreme poverty - hunger, displacement, landlessness, livelihood, education of socially unprivileged sections of the society particularly tribals makes his presence in any professional assignment more substantive from the perspective of marginalization. He has been engaged with key state government processes in Jharkhand and those with DFID, World Bank, UNDP, UNICEF and CARE International etc.

Prabhat Jha
(M 46)
Mr. Jha comes with a rare experience of more than two decades of professional experience exclusively in education sector. He has been involved in core educational program processes since inception of Bihar Education Project, subsequently all flagship initiatives of Government of India and state governments of UP, Jharkhand, Bihar and Rajasthan. He for last 12 years is heading a resource organization engaged in education for multilateral and corporate donors. He brings imaginative and original perspectives in quality of education; has authored rare books and publications besides making outstanding contribution in minorities’ education.

Aditi Mukherjee
(F 40)
Ms. Aditi Mukherjee has 14 years of illustrated professional career, primarily in research and analytical documentation. Much of her works in education sector, she makes significant contribution on the issues of gender dimensions to be gauged through qualitative research. Preparing innovative tools and evolving framework of analysis of the research findings is her core competence. She has worked with UN and other such international donors besides working with corporate entities such as Constella future (the Future Group).

Dr. A. N. Singh
Remote sensing & Natural Resources science
One of the first few Scientists in the Country who initiated work on Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing. Has more than 35 years of experience in remote sensing of which 4 years in International Organisation, 9 years in Govt. of India. Conducted extensive work on Satellite Remote Sensing Applications for Natural Resources Studies, especially in the area of Soils and Agriculture in different states of India and abroad. Worked as Director of the largest State Remote Sensing Centre in the Country. Large numbers of projects have been executed under my guidance through funding from Govt. of India and State Dept. Organisations, the World Bank and other International Institutions, like - Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Japan International Co-operation Agency, International Rice Research Institute, etc. As team leader he would engage with all affairs of the assignment and guide, mentor & supervise M&E teams’ functions. Tracking progress and quality of M&E reports & other such deliverables, would be his responsibility. His core mandate; however, would be bring quality analysis of the M&E findings and render sharp inputs to Dept. of LDWR.

Dr. V. P. Singh
Senior Agronomist & Livelihood Expert
Over 34 years experience in rural agriculture-based livelihoods and research. Has worked in all geo-agro-climatic contexts of Uttar Pradesh and even exposed to dry & arid agricultural environments. Has served large-scale allied government programs in Uttar Pradesh and also beyond the State; hence brings strong portfolio of experience. The experience gained during the period of services he rendered to various organizations as well as trainings received in India and abroad has developed his thematic as well as leadership capabilities to lead operations related to Policy, Extension, Research and Development in participatory mode with effective implementation through motivation and mobilization, also to undertake and administer programs even in challenging conditions. He would anchor the livelihood domain of the M&E assignment. Would coordinate with the Assignment coordinator defining parameters of alternative livelihoods modalities and measuring such progresses; farm and non-farm related processes would be assessed, evaluated by him. He through his constructive suggestions aid plugging gaps in the implementation of IWMP provisions.

Dr. C. S. Verma
Economic analyst - Statistical scientist
Over 28 years of experience as an economist – all throughout involved in research and academics; he brings the best of research intellect into the fold of the core team. He has been an economist with sustained grassroots connect throughout his professional career – engaging with social sector development projects. Despite being in government set up, he is one always remained involved in apex level governance of Non-government initiatives. His best works are around poverty and larger development economics – analyzing and drawing futuristic nuances from the observations made on grassroots initiatives. Defining socio-economic parameters the preparatory phase seeks benchmark and pursue through the project period; his role is perceived also in gauging project results and analyzing benefits & cost ratios. Financial and internal rate of returns (FRR & IRR), deriving cost ratios for environmental and social returns from the project etc. would be his mandate.

Dr. Ashok K Singh
(M & – 5)
Over 24 years of multi-sectoral experience in specific theme of Community participation and participatory project management. Proven track record in rural drinking water supply, sanitation and public hygiene sector. On completion of doctoral degree in1987, he rendered professional services to the Centre for Women’s Studies and Development’ in the faculty of Social Science, Banaras Hindu University (BHU). Prior to that, in various project-based capacities in under the University Grants Commission (UGC) and Indo-Dutch Bilateral Cooperation (IDC) program, he engaged with implementation, concurrent program evaluation and in formulating strategies for social planning, more specifically in Community participation and institutional development. He carries expertise in program implementation and in on-site management support, managing large-scale primary survey and participatory qualitative research and learning discourses. He brings edge in non-state developmental processes because of his experience and fluid, yet effective approach in dealing with state machinery and its apparatus on the ground thereby creating preconditions for replication of successful implementation models, thematic convergence and coordinated workflow with state programs.

Krishnakant Dhar Dwevidi
SHGs, Community participation & social planning
A prolific community mobilize and social scientist he possesses a post graduate degree in language. His professional association with the field of social development spans nearly 28 years _ with State Government and externally assisted projects and with nationally reputed NGOs. He brings on board an astute sense of project management blending the project communities’ own indigenous wisdom. He has worked with Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission in varied contexts; natural resource-based micro-enterprise programs and also have engaged with women’s development initiatives. A prolific creative writer, core of his expertise comes as effortlessly facilitating social planning discourses in sector projects.

Aqbal Usmani
Financial inclusion & Micro-enterprise development
A post-graduate in English Literature he possesses nearly 27 years of professional experience. Mainly in women’s empowerment and micro-enterprise development, he is a well recognized, elite professional trainer in community health he provided his professional service to various state governments and concerned sector agencies.

Sharid Ashraf
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Expert
Sharid is an IT engineer and has been actively involved in Social Development Sector for more than 5 years. Overall having more than 8 years of professional experience, Sharid is paving opportunities for integration of ICT applications with social sector program management bearing its intelligent implication at large scale. Starting with his significant roles around State Nodal Agency of the Govt. of UP to range of pilot studies and research projects, Sharid has been a stem of innovative management solutions where human endeavours fall victim to poor rationale and prejudice. He has so far developed ICT-based study and program management tools and web-based platforms for key flagship government programs such as MGNREGS, financial inclusion, watershed management and secondary education.

Kaveri Paul
Assistant Research Manager
A topper of B Ed, Kaveri is working on several social sector issues as a research Intern with PROACT. She has done her Post Graduation on Econometric from Lucknow University.

Anjali Bhadula
(F 26, & – Programmer)
She is a Masters in Computer Application (MCA), has profound training in software programming and has professionally worked as a software developer for over 18 months. A creative software developer she is a meticulous performer and has contributed immensely in IWMP database development. While application of ICT-based survey and field investigation, she leads the area of on-site technological problem solution. An excellent team performer, she has over all 4 years of professional experience.

Shivnath Rathore
(M – 24, Programmer & Research Investigator)
He has completed Masters in Computer Applications (MCA) from SRM Group of Professional college; has earlier accomplished graduation in science (PCM) from CSM University in 2009. With 3 years of experience, he is professionally determined, articulate and communicates excellent in team functions. With his professional aptitude, he adds high value to field research and investigation. Good technical skills: knowledge of computer languages (C, Core Java); database (Oracle) and web technology (HTML, ASP.Net), these set of his competencies come as rider to his basic mandate as a field researcher on ICT mode. He has in his credit developing a website, entitled “Make Your Wish” for online purchase products.

Shusheel Kumar Gupta
(M – 25, Programmer & Research Investigator)
He has completed MCA from SRM Group of Professional college, Lucknow. Good knowledge of computer languages and web technology thus will help to track down subjects with a few keystrokes. Good spoken dialect and basic understanding of social development issues add to his field investigation skills.

Swadha Singh
(F 24, Programmer)
She has completed her MCA from SRM Group of Professional college, Lucknow. Excellent knowledge of computer languages and web technology, intuitive in technology solutions; her profile helps tracking down subjects with a few keystrokes. Excellent communicator, she is very good in local dialects of North India and carries good understanding of social development issues. Inquisitive, she commands good investigation skills in rural contexts and conditions.

Deepika Bhadula
(F – 24, Programmer & Research Investigator)
She has completed MCA from Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU).Good knowledge of computer languages and web technology. Strong communication skills, positive attitude and a local resident, thus aware of the challenging environment. Good knowledge of computer languages (C, Core Java) and technology. Developed a website (mini project)-entitled “Domain Auction”- under KSOFT VISION.