Coverage of PROACT assignments
PROACT was conceptualized in 2002, established in 2003, in conception of a small, sharp state-based organization dealing into social development themes and contemporary methodologies in research, study, monitoring & evaluation, formative and longitudinal study and range of consultancies. In course of an exciting journey, PROACT was found relevant to contribute to the entire East, North and Central India contexts – well beyond what it had thought of catering.

PROACT time-map-Assignment/ project undertaken

Selective and consistent on core issues of poverty, PROACT spread fast across other states beyond Uttar Pradesh before it took a call to restrict its focus. During the course of 11th five year plan, it was rather evident that government programs are no more going to remain underwhelming and resource scarce. It was also a time that concluded for many sector beginning of demand-driven and rights-based programs. Governments of Indian states were bound to face challenges in scaling up and deepening sector programs, dealing with growing aspirations of the communities and more importantly handling appropriate management of emerging sector domains.
PROACT decided to incline more towards engaging with the governments and institutions that matter to governments. It was a considered choice for PROACT to engage with newer clients such as State governments, line departments, the PSUs/ NABARD and its subsidiaries and the likes.
However, along-side creating opportunities to influence governments’ large-scale programs, engaging with such programs; PROACT continued having close interface with range of marginal issues that often gets overlooked by governments - Financial inclusion, inclusive education, minority education and madarsa development, promotion and strengthening of community engagement in school management and an array of such issues.
Research, critical and preemptive sector analysis, exploration and strategy-innovation in field implementation remain core to PROACT’s work culture more as a peace-time function.